Sunday, March 14, 2010

IS DAT ORIGINAL???? pls....stop asking like dis...tired ..

hyeee guys...

the existance of dis entry jus 2 answer wut so called ur "QUESTION"..huh...


1) is dat ori??? dpat dr mane?? 2) mcm mane tau ori??? 3) dlu sye beli gak..dorg kate ori tp xori??? 4)ahh tpu la...beli kat pasa malam kate ori,,ORI ke?????(soklan cmni pon ado?? sabar jele...) 5)nak tgk dlu bole x..nak tau ORI ke X????? neh contoh2 soklan korg la kan... so i nak jwp la for the FIRST & the LAST........ paham kann... uol kan pndai2x...sekali ckap..da paham kan..;) good gals n boys...

my answers.;)

elooo..kan i ckap ori ori la..;) i pon pkai ori tau.... i can say here yg xori tu org kedekot je yg pkai..pastu muke tarak malu kot beli nak pkai yg branded..beli ah je silky gal ka kalu xckop duet Or bajet gile babeng sgt..adehhh... blog neh pon wujud ntok yg kedekot gak oR di pgel i la...;) tp mest ORI ah... discount da kc ag beli la jgn byk tye.. paham anda takot tetipu...... dats y uol tye kan...bgus..pandai... tp i da kc testimonial tuh..soooo,, pls stop asking dat question again n again...letih nak jwb ahhh.. stu ag..brg2 len tu pon oRI gak..kalu ad 6pak kat reject shop ke, fos ke....g la beli sane kalu ag murah..;) kalu rse waswas xyah la beli.. ;) tarak pkse pon....da rmai yg beli..kalu xori... sah2 blog neh da terlungkup ahhh...pls nomore doubt eyhh..janji???;)

ohh lupe stu ag benda nak mention nehh.. sape2 nak beli perfume neh pls la be serious..order byk2..duet x bank in..suke ke korg men2x??? pe jenis neh manusia neh la.....nak men..kat playground okeh..;) i xmarah pon.... tp mlas la nak delete mesg inbox.. kalu serious bru order.. kalu xmo beli xpayah wat2 interested.;) diam2x tgk blog neh sudeyhh..xyah gatai2 tgn tuh okeh..paham??? ;)

sumore2x...nak hilite jap arge perfume neh mang flat je.xjual borong eyhh.;) pastu mang xleh nego lgsg.... bukan xmo kc discount tp mang supplier xkc nak wat cmane..kalu ad perfume oRI ag murah kat bolg ah blog tu...jgn la emo2x kat sini ye adik2x... i paham sape yg xske dapat perfume ORI arge sehengget..... ;) woW!!! i loike....;) murah tuhhh....huhu

n last thing..jgn ar same kan blog neh ngan blog laen yg telah menipu anda..huhu... beli online neh kne ar trust each other..kalu idak cmane nak bisnes eyhh..;) kalu xpcya mang xleh nak wat ape la..;) i maleh la nak convince2 org neh okeh.....lg di convince kan lgik la ckap i tipah2 sume... nak pcya ke idak ske ati la aii...;) ade mak kisahhh..kakah;p

******okehh...i stop ere... but to our customers... thanx for ur trust..keep buying wiV us..lgik dan lagik..;)

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